Free or Low Cost CNA Classes in Arizona
So you think that you’d like to become a Certified Nurse’s Assistant? You know that you need a secure job with a future and you really like to help people in a meaningful, hands-on manner but you’re not sure that you want to travel the whole journey to a Registered Nurse’s degree. You know that becoming a CNA is for you, but you’re not sure where to start because you need a low cost or free CNA program.
In Arizona there are many programs available to get a CNA certification that are either free or low cost, but it will take some legwork on your part. Hey, anything worthwhile takes effort, right? Here are several ways to find free or low cost CNA programs in Arizona:
Community Colleges—Check with your local community colleges. For instance, Estrella Mountain College has a CNA program that combines lab, classroom and off-site training throughout the Phoenix area. With a community college or a university, you can apply for FAFSA, where you can get government grants. A grant is money that you don’t have to pay back and the financial aid office will help you find money, especially if you’re a single parent, unemployed or can demonstrate financial need.
Local Nursing or Rehabilitation Homes—There are many local homes and centers that will hire you and then pay for your CNA certification. For instance, Good Shepherd Retirement Center and Forum at Desert Harbor, both in Peoria, sometimes will hire you on as staff and then pay for your CNA training at another facility. Always check with these centers and kindly ask if they have any openings for such a position. In the links provided below you can locate sources that can help you. Take heart though; if one center says no, call another, as there are many in the state who’d be glad to have you!
Public Assistance—If you receive any kind of public assistance or aid your chances for a free program are very high. Many state and local assistance programs will pay for childcare as well as education and job training. Ask your case worker for information or go to your local office and ask how to apply for free job training or college schooling. This is a great way for states to invest in the futures of their aid recipients, knowing that those who receive help will be giving back to the community. This is a win-win for both of you, since they can demonstrate client success and YOU get free job training!
To find out more information on free or low cost CNA programs or to get a listing of free programs, visit the following sites:
The Arizona State Board of Nursing;
Arizona Colleges;
The CNA Online Magazine;
CNA Training Help and Resource;
Free CNA Training in Arizona;
Congratulations on choosing a noble profession where you can help people and have a stable future for yourself and your family!