How to Enroll in CNA Training Classes
Finding CNA training classes in order to become a Certified Nurses Assistant or nurse’s aid is sometimes as easy as checking to see if the local two-year community college or nursing school offers CNA training classes. CNA training classes are also offered by select skilled nursing facilities and long-term nursing facilities. Most CNA training classes last about six weeks and cover such topics as basic hygiene, CPR, assisting patients with daily living activities, proper feeding techniques and patient safety.
Basic requirements for enrolling in CNA training classes
There are some very basic requirements for enrolling in CNA classes, but these do not include a high school diploma or GED usually required by other medical training programs. Prospective CNA students must demonstrate basic math and English skills and most training classes require the student be at least 18 years of age. Good health and physical stamina is also required to successfully complete CNA training classes because standing, lifting and bending are required by the duties of the job when dealing with patients.
CNA training classes will vary depending upon the state in which the student is taking coursework. Some CNA training classes require more hours of clinical and theory coursework than others. CNA training classes are offered by some institutions at night or on weekends to accommodate individuals shifting careers who may only be able to take the training on a part time basis.
Requirements to get certified as a CNA
No matter whether the student takes a two-year college CNA training class or a class offered by a long-term nursing facility, all certified nurse aids must pass a competency test leading to a Certified Nurse Assistant Certification. CNA Certification requires 75 hours of training at the minimum, along with successfully passing a state exam offered by the state in which the CNA will be practicing.
Some nursing homes and skilled care nursing facilities that offer CNA training classes enable students to enroll in their classes without paying tuition in exchange for agreeing to work at that facility for a set amount of time following graduation and obtaining the CNA Certification. This enables prospective nurses aid candidates who may not be able to afford schooling to learn to become a CNA and have the added benefit of full-time employment immediately following receipt of their CNA Certification.