
CNA Training: Finding an Appropriate Training Course in the Orlando, Florida Area

If you live in a large metropolitan area, like Orlando, Florida, your chances of locating an accredited Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program is far greater than if you live in a less populated area. Most of the larger hospitals located in the larger metropolitan areas will most likely offer various degrees of training programs for those who wish to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. Typically, when a hospital offers a training course for those who are eligible to become a CNA, job opportunities are offered in the hospital or another sister hospital that might be in need of CNAs. This is true in Orlando, Florida and the surrounding areas.

Hospitals that offer CNA training courses in the Orlando

Those hospitals that offer CNA training courses in the Orlando area include:

  • Florida Hospital Orlando, 601 East Rollins Street, Orlando, Florida 32803
  • Winter Park Memorial Hospital, 200 N. Lakemont Ave, Winter Park, Florida 32792
  • Florida Hospital Altamonte, 601 East Altamonte Ave, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701
  • Florida Hospital Apopka, 201 North Park Ave, Apopka, Florida 32703
  • Florida Hospital East Orlando, 7727 Lake Underhill, Orlando, Florida 32822
  • Florida Hospital Celebration Health, 400 Celebration Place, Celebration, Florida 34747
  • Florida Hospital Kissimmee, 2450 North Orange Blossom Trail, Kissimmee, Florida 34744
  • Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, 92 West Miller Street, Orlando, Florida 32806

Responsibilities of the CNA in the Orlando, Florida

There are typically some key responsibilities of the Certified Nursing Assistant, although these responsibilities may differ from one establishment to another. Your advancement in the field of a Certified Nursing Assistant will depend on your ability to perform in all of the roles that are required in a specific hospital or environment. By and large, your responsibilities as a Certified Nursing Assistant will include providing quality nursing care to residents of the hospital by providing individualized attention in an effort to attain the highest physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being. The CNA should be knowledgeable of the individualized care plan for specific residents and provide support to the residents according to the established care plan. The CNA will be responsible for contributing to the care planning process by providing the charge nurse or other care planning staff with the specific information and observation of the residents needs and preferences. In other words, you will become the eyes and the ears for the charge nurse on behalf of your patients, according to their stated needs. The CNA will attend to the individual needs of residents which may include grooming, bathing, oral hygiene, feeding, incontinent care, toileting, colostomy care, prosthetic care, transferring, ambulation, range of motion, communicating, or any other needs in keeping with the individuals’ care requirements. The CNA might also be required to assist in maintaining a safe, neat, and clean environment and support an atmosphere that promotes a homelike environment. In consideration of these and other roles that a CAN might fulfill, the typical person who performs these functions is to become a liaison of sorts for the patient, bringing the needs of the patients or residents to the attention of those who are in charge of the established care plan(s).

What if You don’t Live in a Metropolitan Area?

Not everyone lives in a large, metropolitan area, and driving from a rural area to a large city can become an expense that many cannot afford. For those who live in rural areas, outside of the large cities, there are numerous on-line programs that can offer theory and non-practical aspects of the Certified Nursing Assistant. After completing an online CNA course or program, candidates will only be required to attend an institution, such as a hospital course, to receive the practical training, or hands-on aspects of the CNA program. Of course, one will have to do his or her homework to ensure that such on-line programs are accredited and that the on-line programs meet the established guidelines of the hospital or establishment to which he or she wishes to attend. To do this, making contact with those students or CNAs who have already completed such programs will be beneficial.

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Jakie S

I have been a CNA in the state of California since 1995. One of my passions in life is to help people and help others who want to expand their careers and become CNAs.

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