
CNA Classes & Training in North Carolina

Becoming a certified nursing assistant in North Carolina is all about education. There are so many mandatory courses, classes, and even tests that you must take in order to become certified. On top of that, you must have 75 hours of training according to federal law. But, what are your choices when it comes to training in North Carolina. Well, to the surprise of many there are tons of training choices. Just be sure to review each course thoroughly before deciding your future. Though, this in demand job is one many can appreciate on many levels.

Where to find CNA Training in North Carolina?

Many community colleges provide a wonderful learning experience for those who want to become a certified nursing assistant. This is a great route for many who wants to have long term learning, a sociable environment, and all recent studies. Though, this is not your only option when it comes to training. Many nursing homes offer special courses for those looking at becoming a CNA . Many times this is a free option that could take only between 2-6 weeks to complete.

Never overlook Red Cross when it comes to CNA training individuals. The Red Cross is of the most respected and they will provide you with an outstanding resource to your educational value. When it comes time to find your first job as a certified nursing assistant, having Red Cross on your resume will only prove to be a great and reliable background.

North Carolina has many different schools to choose from when it comes to becoming certified as a nursing assistant. CNA Classes can be as short as only 2 weeks. But, taking a 2 trimester class will only benefit both you and the patient even more. Seeking your opportunity of employment isn’t so far away after all. This is especially true when it comes to having an education in the certified nursing field right from North Carolina.

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Jakie S

I have been a CNA in the state of California since 1995. One of my passions in life is to help people and help others who want to expand their careers and become CNAs.

6 Responses

  1. Lorane McIver says:

    Hello I’m a single mother of two and i was looking for help to get my CNA 2 I have my CNA 1 but I want to further my education to get my CNA 2. If you could please email some information please.

  2. Denise Brown says:

    Hello you can wrk at the hospital and they will pay for you to further your educaton!

  3. Angelica Hicks says:

    Hello Iā€™m a single mother and i was looking for help to get my CNA 2 I have my CNA 1 but I want to further my education to get my CNA 2. If you could please email some information please.

  4. amy says:

    Do you need to have your high school diploma/GED?

  5. Brittney Young says:

    I’m a 19 year old college student wanting to get my CNA 1 but having diffculty finding places that will offer free CNA classes, money us tight right now.

  6. saida Rey says:

    Hello, My name is saida Rey my family and I are planning to move to Charlotte, North Carolina may 5, this year and my family and I are seeking new opportunity to make an income to support us.. I’m not working ,but i need to help out . Things are tough here in Atlanta Ga, therefore my husband has deciced to relocate us to Charlotte, seeking work and a better quality of life for us, with me going to school to become a CNA, I can also help.But we dont have any money to pay for school fee’s, I’m looking for free training and classes can you tell me where I can find free training and classes to become a CNA?

    Thank you very much
    saida Rey

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