
CNA Classes and Training Info in Anchorage, Alaska

It is no secret! Nationwide, there is a shortage of Certified Nursing Assistants. CNA training is offered in the Anchorage area; in addition, a Certified Nursing Assistant Reciprocity Course is also offered in the area as well. This means that one can learn and train to be a Certified Nursing Assistant in specific other states and have the course materials transferred to Anchorage for credit. This practice is also offered for those who want to pursue a career in nursing as well and the practice is very common among other states that share borders.

How is Anchorage tackling the problem of a CNA shortage?

As the population of the Anchorage Alaska area continues to increase, the shortage of Certified Nursing Assistants is also expected to increase. In fact, throughout the state of Alaska, healthcare facilities are constantly looking for qualified, skilled care givers. In response to such a need, Alaska’s Institute of Technology, among other facilities, developed a new Certified Nursing Assistant Program, which is located in Anchorage. The facility operates two separate classes simultaneously, one in the classroom instruction, and one in the clinical setting. These two classes typically run for eight months of the year.

How intensive is the CNA Program in Alaska?

The Certified Nursing Assistant Program in Anchorage Alaska is an intensive, fast-paced course that includes 230 hours of classroom, lab skills practice and clinical experience. The first four weeks consist of classroom and lab skills, including Basic Life Support. Classes are held Monday through Friday, from 8:00 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon. A one-hour skills practice session is available each day following classes and is highly recommended.

The following four weeks of the instruction are dedicated to clinical experience, which includes patient care at one of the nursing or assisted living homes located in Anchorage. This clinical rotation is typically held from 6:00 in the morning until 12:15 in the afternoon. It is structured in such a way that during the first week, the student is expected to care for one patient; during the second and third week, the student will care for two patients; and during fourth week, the student will be expected to care for a total of four patients. During this training period, students also learn organization and time management, an integral part of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant, particularly during a time when there is a known shortage in the field.

What are the specific Training Requirements in Anchorage, Alaska?

Just like in most other states, there is a wide disparity between CNA course requirements among the individual fifty states. This difference lies in the mandatory number of total training hours necessary in order to become a certified nursing assistant. According to federal guidelines, there should be a total of at least 75 hours of instruction and direct patient care; however, the training program located in Anchorage far exceeds this requirement, as each of the fifty states has the liberty to add to the required 75 hours, whereas they cannot use any less time to instruct and train the certified nursing assistant.

What employment is available for the Certified Nursing Assistant in the Anchorage Area?

Similar to most of the other states in the country, the job market is wide open for the Certified Nursing Assistant. The typical salary for the graduate is extremely competitive with those salaries that one might find in other states, specifically those states that are closest to Alaska. Check online or with local Nursing homes and Hospitals in Anchorage area to find out about current openings.

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Jakie S

I have been a CNA in the state of California since 1995. One of my passions in life is to help people and help others who want to expand their careers and become CNAs.

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