
CNA Classes in Boston

If you are interested in becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and plan on getting a job in Boston, Mass. after graduation, then you need to have the most current information on how to take CNA classes and get certified.

Great Job Prospects, Starting Pay

Just like many other locations, there are good job prospects predicted for CNA positions in Boston, so it is a good career choice to make that doesn’t take years and years to study for and get a job. They are needed in several places such as hospitals, many doctor’s offices, private homes with individual patients, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, many home care agencies and more.

The average pay for CNAs is between $10 to $15 an hour, which is pretty good for a starting wage. What you make depends on both the place you chose to work, and the town you choose to work in. It can also depend on how long you have been doing CNA work, but it’s still pretty easy for a new graduate to get a job as a CNA.

Duties For CNAs in Boston

CNAs do specific duties and tasks for patients under the supervision of a doctor or a nurse. You can expect to do things like bathe, feed, help dress, and other basic care of patients, as well as hygiene tasks and even helping a patient with his or her emotional and social needs.

Classes Easy to Find, Last Only A Few Weeks

CNA programs in Boston can be finished in four to six weeks, and then you have to be certified through an exam. Plus, CNA courses are not that expensive, especially compared to other medical careers, and often there is financial assistance available if you qualify. Many times a potential employer will pay for a class if you promise to work there afterwards. There is also assistance available from the training locations, Red Cross, and other agencies.

Speaking of cost, CNA courses usually run somewhere in-between $400 and $800 bucks and then you take the Mass CNA certification test afterwards in order to be allowed to work in the state. If you are already a CNA and need a refresher course, they run about $100 to $200 in the Boston area.

Availability of CNA Classes in Boston

Some of the places you can get training in Boston area include colleges like Bunker Hill Community, Bay State, Fischer, Emerson, Simmons, Roxbury Community, Gordon College, Laboure, Newbury,Wheelock, Williams, and Bejamin Franklin Institute of Technology.

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Jakie S

I have been a CNA in the state of California since 1995. One of my passions in life is to help people and help others who want to expand their careers and become CNAs.

2 Responses

  1. cereste philippe says:

    need to became a cna

  2. Michelle Bandeja says:

    I want to get CNA certificate online because is much easier for me since I don’t have a drivers license and can’t drive if I take a CNA CLASSES

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