
Free CNA Classes in Connecticut

If a nursing career is what you want to do with your life, there are several options for you to choose from. Because training programs and certificates of completion are required in all states in order for you to become a certified nursing assistant, each state has a variation of what they should know and be able to do within their job perimeters.

For Connecticut, those perimeters are: completion of one of the approved CNA training programs for a nurse’s aide and taking and passing the competency test within 2 years of finishing the training program. The training program is required to be 100 hours long and be facilitated by a nurse who is registered with the state and qualified to teach it.

CNA Classes & Training Programs In Connecticut

There are several training programs that are available in Connecticut which meet these standards. There are over 150 programs in Connecticut that are approved by the state. These programs include training within the classroom and the clinical setting so that the student received the “real world” application of the techniques that are taught. The student can expect to learn 25 or more techniques, duties and skills that are essential to the nursing profession.

The competency exam will be split into two parts. The first part will be a written exam, which tests all the knowledge you have learned in your program. The other part is a skills exam, which tests the skills that you have been taught. It will test a minimum of 5 skills from your program. When you pass, you will be certified and will be able to seek employment.

Naugatuck Valley Community College offers this program. In this program, the student will learn many skills to assist nurses and doctors in hospitals, nursing facilities, hospices, rehabilitation centers, clinics, and doctor’s offices. This college offers a course that includes the CNA state exam which students may take at the end of their program.

Free CNA Classes

Middlesex Community College also offers a CNA Program which consists of 28 credits. It can be completed within a year, or two semesters. There are 8 classes that will need to be completed before getting this certificate.

Several other schools offering CNA program in Bridgeport

• Med-Life Institute on 4490 Main Street
• Training Direct on 3851 Main Street
• Precise Care on 2451 North Avenue
• St. Vincent College on 2800 Main Street

For the high school student who knows they want to have a career in nursing as a CNA, Northbridge Health Care High School on 2875 Main Street and Warren Harding High School on 1734 Central Avenue have great programs that will help get you into a nursing career as a CNA.

For those who live in Bristol, there are:

• Ingraham Manor Nursing Home on 400 North Main Street
• Nursing Care Center on 61 Bellevue Avenue
• Sheridan Woods Health Center on 321 Stone Crest Drive

Bristol Eastern High School on 632 King Street offers a program for the high school student who wishes to make nursing their career.

For the future CNA who is looking for a school in Danielson, there are:

• Quinebaug Valley Community Tech College on 1320 Main Street
• Haven Health Care Center on 111 Westcott Road

If Dayville is your home, Westview Nursing Care and Rehab Center on 150 Ware Road is the school that you need for your CNA degree.

Should you be located in East Hartford, there are:

• American Red Cross on 205 Burnside Avenue
• Goodwin College on 745 Burnside Avenue
• Connecticut Training Centers on 1137 Main Street

East Hartford High School on 869 Forbes Street is the school for a high school student who is dreaming about this career.

For those who live in East Haven:

• Laurel Woods Nursing on 451 North High Street
• High school students will want to go to East Haven High School on 35 Wheelbarrow Lane.

Citizens of New Britain have the choice of:

• YWCA of New Britain on 22 Glen Street
• New Britain Senior High School would be ideal for any high school students.

Anyone in New Haven has the choice of:

• Adult Education Center on 400 Canner Street
• American Red Cross on 703 Whitney Avenue
• Care Training Center on 142 Temple Street
• Clinical Care Initiative on 691 Dixwell Avenue

Any of these schools have the proper training programs that are needed to become a CNA in Connecticut.