
CNA Classes in Atlanta Georgia

There are so many certified nursing assistant (CNA) job opportunities in the city of Atlanta, Georgia.  If you want to secure one of these many medical careers, you will have to enroll in a CNA certification program and complete the program in order to take the state of Georgia CNA certification exam.  After you pass the exam and receive your CNA certification, you will then be able to advance into the medical career field as a CNA in the city of Atlanta, GA.

There are many schools and government programs that provide the necessary curriculum that will allow you to obtain the knowledge and skills to become a CNA in the state of Georgia, and in the information related in this article, you will be able to obtain a CNA career in the city of Atlanta.  The general curriculum taught in a CNA course in the state of Georgia is nursing ethics, nursing issues, emergency or critical patient care, administering a patient’s medication, and anatomy.  You will more than likely have to know all of this information for you to be able to pass the state’s required CNA certification exam to be a CNA.  The average time that one of these courses can last is about four to six weeks.

The costs can vary from school to school.  The costs of the tuition can range from $500 to about $1,000, depending on what school you enroll into.  You will need to be at least 18 years of age, possess a GED or high school diploma, and pass a drug test and criminal background check in order to be able to enroll into a CNA program in the state of Georgia.

The Alpha Nursing Services, Inc. CNA Training Course in Atlanta, GA is one of the CNA schools in the city of Atlanta that is highly looked upon by other CNA schools, students, and CNA employees in the health care field.  This CNA School has a CNA course that lasts six weeks long.  The curriculum taught in this course is nursing issues, nursing ethics, administration of medications, emergency patient care, anatomy, and a math course.  The math course is to inform you how to calculate the dosage for a patient’s medication.

List of CNA training schools in the Atlanta area

  • Alpha Nursing Services, Inc. CNA Training Course

777 Cleveland Avenue SW, Suite 301, Atlanta, GA, 30315

  • Atlanta Job Corps Center

239 West Lake Avenue NW, Center Atlanta, GA, 30314

Phone: (404) 794-9512

  • Murray Career Institute

233 Mitchell Street, Atlanta, GA, 30303

Phone: (404) 228-1568

  • Atlanta Technical College Nurse Assistant Program

1560 Metropolitan Parkway SW, Atlanta, GA, 30310

Phone: (404) 225-4507