CNA Classes in Richmond VA
If you live in the Richmond, Virginia area and enjoy helping others, you may want to consider enrolling in one of the city’s certified nursing assistant programs. Certified nursing assistants work in healthcare settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, and day centers. In the case of home care, nursing assistants also perform job duties in a patient’s home setting.
CNAs assist medical personnel by performing basic human care needs for patients. During a typical workday, a CNA may be required to take vital signs, clean patient rooms, feed patients, and assist patients with their mobility issues. CNAs also assist patients with their hygienic needs. At times, these nursing aides may be called upon to perform clerical or administrative duties as well. Jobs in the healthcare industry are growing quickly and are currently in high demand. Becoming a certified nursing assistant is an excellent way to begin a career within the healthcare profession.
There are many opportunities to obtain a nursing assistant certification in Richmond, Virginia. The first step is to ensure that you will qualify for a program. A high school diploma or GED is required. Likewise, a criminal background check and a TB test are often mandated by the program. While some high schools offer CNA coursework and certification classes over the course of a school year, a typical post-secondary nursing assistant program takes around two months to complete. The curriculum includes coursework, clinical instruction, and labs. Some courses may be available online. After the course is completed, students take the Virginia CNA Examination. After passing the course and the certification exam, graduates are then eligible for certified nursing assistant positions.
The cost of becoming a CNA is much less than the costs of obtaining other professional certifications within the healthcare field. Some employers will pay for part or all of the cost of the program. The Federal Government offers tuition assistance and loan programs for those wishing to further their educations, and community colleges and nursing schools often offer information concerning scholarships, loans, and grants. The total cost of a CNA program is between $400 dollars and $800 dollars. Refresher courses cost between $100 dollars and $200 dollars.
Certified nursing assistant programs in Richmond are available at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, The American Red Cross, and The Adult Career Development Center. Additional campuses offering coursework and certification are The Bon Secours Health System and The Hermitage Technical Center.
Would prefer it to be free or to be able to work with my finances as money is tight right now!