There are numerous places in North Dakota that one can go to get certified to become a certified nursing assistant. We have compiled a list of CNA classes and programs currently being offered in North Dakota. If you know of any certain program but do not see it in our CNA training directory, please contact us and provide the schools details so we can add it to
CNA Classes in North Dakota
Knife River Care Center
509 Central Avenue N
Beulah, ND 58523
(701) 873-4322
St. Benedict’s Health Center
851 4th Avenue East
Dickinson, ND 58601
(701) 456-7242
Lake Region State College
1801 College Drive N
Devils Lake, ND 58301
(701) 662-1552
Good Samaritan Society
608 4th Ave SW
Lakota, ND 58344
(701) 247-2902
Presentation Medical Center
213 Second Ave NE
Rolla, ND 58307
(701) 477-3161
Don’t wait any-longer, contact the above facilities and find the best one that suits you better and complete your CNA certification. You can make between $20k and up to $34k max depending on experience and employer.