
Becoming a CNA in Austin, Texas

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Austin, Texas? If you are, it might behoove you to realize that this might be an excellent career choice. There is a great deal of jobs available in the Austin area, if you have the correct certification and you have completed the correct education requirements for the state of Texas.

If you have a desire to become a certified nursing assistant in Austin, there are several things you might want to consider before you decide to attend one of the many schools or vocational institutions in the area of Austin. First, to work as a CNA in Austin, you will need to enroll in a CNA training program that is approved by the state of Texas. Once this program of classroom instruction and hands-on training is complete, you will need to take the approved examination for the state of Texas as well.

Passing this examination, along with completing the course requirements, qualifies you to work as a certified nursing assistant.

How long does it usually take to become a CNA in Austin?

In the state of Texas, you must complete a federally mandated 75 clock hour schedule that consists of at least 51 hours of classroom instruction and another 24 hours in a clinical setting where you will learn the hands-on experience you will need as you work as a nursing assistant in any one of several different environments. In addition to the classroom instruction, you will also have to learn the proper techniques for CPR, for which you will be tested as part of your certification requirements.

You should be aware that only those courses that have been approved by the state of Texas will be accepted before you decide to take the examination for certification. So, be sure to check with the proper authorities before you decide to sign up for a course in this area.

How does the state of Texas approve you for certification as a nursing assistant?

The Texas National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (or NNAAP) is taken after you have completed the required training in an approved school. You can easily find the locations for the tests by contacting the designated state test conducting organization for the state of Texas, which is Pearson Vue. The test consists of two different components, a written section as well as a skills demonstration examination. During the skills examination, you will have to perform all of the required skills and meet the specifications as set forth by the state of Texas.

The charge for taking the test, as of 2011, is $83.00. The skills performance test will consist of at least five (5) tasks that you will be evaluated on with respect to accuracy. To pass this part of the examination, you will have to successfully complete at least four (4) of the skills without any problems. The written portion of the examination consists of 70 questions, arranged in the multiple-choice format; this portion of the test is only administered to those who first pass the skills demonstration portion of the examination.

The entire testing procedure is completed within a two hour period. After successfully completing both portions of the test, you will find that your name will appear on the Texas State Nurse Aide Registry, and thereafter, you will be able to work and function as a certified nursing assistant in the state of Texas, and more specifically, in the Austin area.

How much does a Certified Nursing Assistant usually make in the Austin area?

Typically, a CNA without any real experience in the field can expect to make about $13.00 an hour; with more experience, of course, there is more pay to be expected. The national rate for a certified nursing assistant without experience is about $26,000.00 a year, and, likewise, with more experience, the position usually pays more.

How long does it usually take to complete the required courses in Texas?

According to the available data, most certified nursing assistant programs run from about 6 to 8 weeks, depending upon the type of school that you choose. The CNA courses usually vary from one state to the next, but in the Austin area, it is usually about 6 weeks. The cost of attending one of the programs is very inexpensive, if one compares this to the cost of attending college to become a nurse.

However, it might benefit you to realize that some use the CNA training programs to obtain the needed experience to apply to the nursing programs that are offered throughout the country in colleges and universities. It is also very beneficial to realize that one gains a lot of experience working with patients as a certified nursing assistant and some use such experience to further their own careers, such as those who want to pursue other careers in the medical field.

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Jakie S

I have been a CNA in the state of California since 1995. One of my passions in life is to help people and help others who want to expand their careers and become CNAs.

3 Responses

  1. H Woods says:

    I am 58 and looking for change in career and would like to get into healthcare.

  2. H Woods says:

    I am 58 and looking for a change in career and would like to get into healthcare. I am looking for CNA classes in League City, TX, 77573

  3. Kerri Koenigsberg says:

    I am trying to find financial aide or free CNA classes in the Round Rock, Austin, Georgetown area

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