
Local CNA Classes

If you want to become a CNA or Certified Nursing Assistant, you will need CNA training. Luckily, this training doesn’t take very long and can often be completed in about a month. Since CNA is usually full time training, it is important to find courses in your local area. This will ensure that you can easily get to and from your courses with plenty of time to study for your CNA exam.

How to find Local CNA Classes

Ask Around to Local Nursing Homes

Another great and affordable way to find CNA training is to contact local nursing homes to see if any offer free CNA courses. Many nursing homes offer free CNA training to those willing to work with them long term after the training. You may be required to sign a contract promising to work for a certain period of time to qualify for this free training. Not every nursing home offers this option, so you will have to call around your area to find a program that will work for you.

Red Cross CNA Training

There are many different ways to find local CNA training. One of the easiest is to contact your local Red Cross and to find out about their CNA training classes and if any are offered in your area. These courses are not always offered at every site are only offered on a specific schedule so talk with your local Red Cross to find out all of the details. You can easily find your local chapter online at www.redcross.org.

Contact Your State Board of Nursing

In many states you can also contact the State Board of Nursing. They can provide you with a list of accredited CNA courses and schools. This makes it a lot easier to browse through your local offerings. When choosing a local CNA school, make sure that they are accredited and that they will prepare you to take the state certification exam.  In all states CNA certification is required for you to work as a CNA, therefore if your CNA courses do not prepare you for this exam, they are not worth your time or money.

Finding a great CNA course is critical to starting your journey in the healthcare profession. The course you choose will impact your education and ability to pass the state certification examination. Make sure that you do your research and carefully choose a program that will provide you with the level of education that you need.

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Jakie S

I have been a CNA in the state of California since 1995. One of my passions in life is to help people and help others who want to expand their careers and become CNAs.

2 Responses

  1. Hello. I’m trying to find a local place in memphis where i can take free CNA classes to get certified, can you help? Thank you

  2. paula says:

    I was told that it is possible some locations offer free LNA courses. I can not afford this course but would like to become a nurse. I thought if I first become an LNA then perhaps the nursing home or hospital I work for will assist in paying for my attending nursing school. i live in Londonderry NH Any suggestions?

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