
How to become a Certified Nursing Assistant in Selden, NY

Are you interested in a recession-proof career that is in high demand, but also requires very little training compared to other careers? You should consider becoming a certified nursing assistant. Nursing assistants include nursing aides, orderlies, patient care technicians, and home health aides and they play an important and vital role in our health care facilities. They are in demand; you can find this out for yourself by just going to one of the many search engines on the Internet and choosing nursing assistant; you will find that there are a lot of job openings and a great demand for the person who takes the time to become certified in the state of New York.

Recuirments to become a CNA in in Selden, NY

Typically, training in order to become a certified nursing assistant in New York usually runs from 4-12 weeks, and much if not all of this training can be completed at one of the many community colleges and/or medical facilities. CNA Classes typically include the following studies:

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Basic nursing skills
  • Nutrition
  • Infection control

During the courses, you will become involved in learning from a textbook as well as hands-on training, which is an important, integral part of the overall training experience. The hands-on portion of the CNA course will provide you with the opportunity to practice the concepts that you will be learning in the text materials. The majority of the Nursing Assistant Programs work in conjunction with nearby medical facilities, so you will be training in a real-time environment. Completing your nursing assistant program and training at a medical facility not only provides the student with the necessary hands-on experience, but it also may lead to a real job offer from one or more of the personnel with whom you will be working as a student. Of course, in order to obtain your certification and work as a certified nursing assistant, you will be required not only to complete the course and materials; you will also have to pass the certification examination for the state of New York.

Where can one go to obtain the necessary CNA training in Selden, NY

While there are many institutions that offer the course materials, below, you will find a selection of some of the institutions that offer such training that will lead to certification after you pass the CNA examination:

  • Mandl School, the College of Allied Health in New York City
  • York College, CUNY
  • SUNY Syracuse EOC
  • Finger Lakes Community College
  • Long Island EOC
  • Bronx Community College
  • Jamestown Community College

Of course, there are a lot more places to attend in order to obtain your courses that will lead to eventual certification. There is sure to be a private college or a community college in your direct area that usually offers these types of courses. They will have to be courses that are approved by the state of New York, so be sure to ask the right questions before you decide to take one or more of the scheduled classes. The field of medicine is, by all rights, recession-proof. People will continue to need medical care, no matter what sort of situation they might find themselves and no matter what sort of situation the economy might be. Medicine is and always has been a requirement of life.

Sallary of a CNA in Selden, New York

Whereas there is always a national rate for all certified nursing assistants, the pay and wages usually depend on where one works as a certified nursing assistant and where one chooses to live. The usual pay for a certified nursing assistant in the Selden area typically runs between $24,000.00 a year to about $31,000.00 a year, again, depending upon where you choose to work. There is a very high demand for the certified nursing assistant in and around the Selden area, so as soon as you complete the required courses and take the New York State Examination for Certified Nursing Assistants, you can choose to work anywhere in the state of New York. The New York Department of Health – Bureau of Professional Credentialing overseas the programs that lead to becoming a certified nursing assistant in the state of New York. The online Nurse Aide’s Registry is managed by Prometric, and can be reached at 1-800-918-8818.

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Jakie S

I have been a CNA in the state of California since 1995. One of my passions in life is to help people and help others who want to expand their careers and become CNAs.

1 Response

  1. Elizabeth says:

    i have been looking to take my CNA course and i was wondering if there was any place in suffolk county that offered that CNA course for free.

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