
CNA Classes Florida

We have found and received couple of CNA programs currently being offered in Florida area. To complete the certification usually requires you to complete a six week course. After your training, you can get certified and be on your way to finding a job as a CNA. You can make around $1842 per month as a CNA. So if you are in the Florida area check out some of the schools and programs below. If you know of a CNA program free or paid but do not see it in our Florida CNA Class Directory, please contact us with the details of the program, address, phone number and website so we can add it to our site.

Finding CNA classes and training in Florida may not be as difficult as first thought. The options are everywhere with great reputable classes that will put you ahead when it comes to becoming a certified nursing assistant. There are many community colleges and technical schools in Florida that offer CNA classes that take as little as six weeks to complete. Finding the one made for you is not so difficult. All this requires is an understanding of what training is required to become certified.

How to become a CNA in Florida?

In accordance to federal law each individual must have at least 75 hours of training in order to become certified. There are so many different CNA programs available to help you out with this including: Lake Technical Center’s Certified Nursing Programs, Certified Nursing Assistant Program, Certified Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aide (CNA/HHA) Program, and so many more. Each of these studies will provide you with the experience you need in order to stay on top of your nursing assistance.

Florida provides educational preparedness with schools such as South University Online, Kaplan University, Walden University, and so many more. These schools aren’t only offered on-site, but are offered online CNA classes as well. This will provide those with long schedules to find the time to prepare for their future. These schools can be found around the entire Florida state as well.

Job Opportunities for a CNA in Florida

If you feel that you are the perfect candidate to help those in need, this may just be the job for you to take. Passing your courses will help you learn the day in and out expectations of everyday. When you do finally land your first job as a certified nursing assistant, you will be happy for many reasons including the high compensation. In this in high demand field many CNA’s are in need. If this is the job opportunity for you, seize it with the most educational value and long term goals as possible.

CNA Training Schools in Florida

Florida National College
4425 W 20 Ave.
Hialeah, Fl 33012
(305) 821-3333 Ext. 3

Pasco-Hernando Community College
10230 Ridge Road
New Port Richey, FL 34654
(727) 847-2727

Gulf Coast Community College
5230 West U.S. Highway 98
Panama City, FL 32401
(850) 913-3311
website: Gulf Coast Community College

Seminole Community College
100 Weldon Boulevard
Sanford, Florida 32746